Six Types of Lipstick Finishes in India

Six Types of Lipstick Finishes in India

Makeup can't be complete without a good lipstick. A good lipstick can make your look good, and lousy lipstick can ruin your look. So choosing the right lipstick according to your face is necessary. 

There is a lot of different verity lipstick available in the market. All lipstick has different formula, texture, and finish. Today we are going to talk about types of lipstick finishes. 

A true lipstick lover knows about different types of lipstick. You can find glossy to matt or creamy to velvet finish in the lipsticks. So let’s take a look at different lipstick finishes.

1. Sheer or satin 

Sheer lipstick gives lips a soft and hydrated appearance. It is perfect for you if you go for a no-makeup makeup look. It adds a light wash to your lips. So you have to build up the lipstick by layering.

These lipsticks contain moisturizer elements to keep your lips hydrating. The only bad thing about sheer lipstick is you can't wear it for a long time, sheer is not long-lasting, and you frequently need a touchup after applying sheer.

2. Creamy

Creamy lipstick comes between sheer and matte lipstick. It looks like a matte lipstick, and the hydration of lipstick is similar to sheer lipstick. This lipstick easily blends in your lips.

Creamy lipstick has more coverage than sheer lipstick. If you want to color and nourish together, then try creamy lipstick. To give your lips a vibrating look, try out creamy lipstick.

3. Matte 

If you want lipstick to give a very pigmented and long-lasting effect, then you are searching for a matte lipstick. Matte lipstick gives a saturated look, and your lips will get a flat matte finish.

You have to prep your lips before applying matte lipstick because it can get your lips dry. So choose the right brand of lipstick that doesn't dry out quickly. Buy a lightweight matte lipstick to look attractive. You can try Neyah matte long-lasting lipstick

4. Tints 

If you want to add a flash of color to your lips without applying any matte lipstick, then here tints come. Lip tints come with a lot of realities. You can find a tint that long last to super pigmented.

You can also get natural-looking tints to highly colored tints. The good thing about tints is that you don't have to touch them up all day after applying tints. But tints dry out quickly. So choose tints carefully.

5. Glossy 

You must wear lip gloss in your school days. They are super sticky and have a thick texture. So if you want your lips to have a glass-like finish, try out lip glosses.

Lip gloss gives you light to medium coverage. They are not long-lasting. But they will keep your lips wet all day. You can also add lip gloss to the lipstick.

6. Metallic

Metallic lipstick is all over the world in the 90s era. Metallic lipstick gives a light and bright look to your lips. They make lips plumper and fuller.

If you want an extra glow on your lips, you can try out shimmer or glitter lipstick. Before applying metallic lipstick, prep your lips well so that your lips don't dry out.


Here we give you basic lipstick finish types. The market has every kind of finish available. You can also buy liquid lipstick online according to the finish that you want.


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